
Showing posts from 2007


Madi's Christmas songs...

We are the Knights who say "poopy"

Origin of our blog name...

I interrupt this silence to bring you more silence...

My REAL Heart-throb

Brian Williams, my new crush

Family Pictures 2007

The Great Madisonian strikes again...

Do you smell that?

A REAL Ghost Story

My Favorite Recent Pix

What do you get when you mix Halloween with a BFA in Acting?

Halloweenie in Bostoneeny

Another Funny Madi Story...

Another Philosophical Question...


My night last night....


Funny Kids

Clever title...think, think, think...

Dirty humor

Hansel & Gretel... happily ever after?

Blogging Schmogging!!

Per your Request, Lord Knight...

Good-bye Cranberries, Hello Museum...

Oh how lovely was "Gentle Conference" morning

If all your friends jumped off a cliff, would you do it?